Release Notes

Release Notes

PropReports is actively being developed with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes that are released almost daily. Unless the fix is critical, we strategically stagger deployments to our clients so there is no interruption in service. You can find out if you are running the latest version of our software by checking the footer on any page.  

Key: New Feature Improvement Bug Fix

Version Released 12/28/12

 Data Upload: DAS: Supporting receiving trades out of sequence.
 Adjustments Search: Add a way to post and edit an adjustment.
 Data Upload: Added symbol TEST to the list of test symbols. 
 Data Upload: Added ability to delete multiple uploads.  

Version Released 12/27/12

 Account Management: Added ability to close accounts.
 Account Management: Added ability to exclude closed accounts in the Accounts page.  
 Adjustments: Added a way to specify precise cash balance value when posting adjustment in account.
 Adjustments: Show true ending balance on the Accounts Overview page.  

Version Released 12/21/12

 Auditing: Cleaned up formatting of change audit messages.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Internal error uploading a file with certain columns missing. 

Version Released 12/20/12

 Data Upload: Sporadic internal error while archiving an uploaded file.
 General: Sporadic internal error while looking up an IP address. 

Version Released 12/19/12

 Trade Fees: Ceiling and Floor rounding may sometimes produce incorrect results.
Data Upload: ITG Matrix: Will now ignore option strategy entries. 

Version Released 12/17/12

 Applications: Regression: Internal error while filling out a trader application.
 Data Upload: Takion: Added support for importing all lowercase symbols for locates. 

Version Released 12/14/12

 Reports: Fees by Destination: Columns sometimes misaligned when exporting report to Excel.

Version Released 12/13/12

 Recurring Fees: Adjustment comment from hidden plans can be displayed on the Recurring Fee Plans screen.

Version Released 12/10/12

 Data Upload: Sterling Trader Manager: Upload screen crashes when enabling the parser.

Version Released 12/07/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Added support for importing data exported from the Sterling Trader Manager.

Version Released 12/07/12

 Execution Search: Regression: Totals in the summary table may not match selected executions.
 Services: Random sort order when viewing service subscribers with no first or last name.

 User Management: Added ability to upload contact photos.

Version Released 12/05/12

 Services: Changing a user's service subscriptions did not update the audit log.
 Services: Subscription details not displayed when viewing all service subscribers with only one service defined.
Services: Subscription start date is now editable in the User Services page.
 User Management: Improved formatting of mailing addresses. 

Version Released 12/05/12

 General: Logging in would sometimes fail to redirect to the reports page.
 Data Upload: Laser: Correctly format symbols for called securities.
 User Management: Added Mobile Phone, Fax and Skype fields to users.
 User Management: Improved formatting of phone numbers. 
 User Management: Renaming a company/group user will now rename the company name for affiliated individual users.  
 User Management: When viewing a company/group user, notes from affiliated individual users will be displayed.   

Version Released 11/30/12

 User Management: Added ability to edit an existing note.

Version Released 11/29/12

 Recurring Fees: Deleting the last recurring fee plan for an account occasionally fails to correctly update account balances.
 Data Upload: DAS: Support loading data from an Access database file. 
 User Management: Cleaned up the display of the referrer URL in the User Overview page. 
 User Management: Increased the size of the note field input in the User Overview page. 
 User Management: Users lists are now sorted by company name in addition to first and last name. 

Version Released 11/28/12

 General: Internal error when registration form submitted with certain fields omitted.
User Management: Option to add or remove a user from the mailing list will no longer appear if no e-mail is associated with the user.
 User Management: Introduced a company/group user.

User Management: Added ability to create a new company/group user from the user overview screen.
 User Management: Added ability to save web site links with a user.
 User Management: If no address is specified for a user, show company address (if available) in the User Overview page.

Version Released 11/27/12

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees: Fixed a crash computing some formulas with a missing semicolon.
 User Management: Company name is now searchable from the users list.
 User Management: Show other contacts in same company on the User Overview page.
 User Management: Added job title as a field for users.

Version Released 11/26/12

 Corporate Actions: Option Expiration: In the money index options are now handled by flattening out the assigned position at the index' expiration date closing price.
 Execution Entry: Audit log not updated when copying trades from one account to another. 
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Cease importing underlying symbols for options due to accuracy issues.
 Trade Fees: Added ability to specify a specific rounding strategy when defining a plan.

Version Released 11/21/12

 Recurring Fees: Two new variables: $longPositionCount and $shortPositionCount indicating a total number of long and short positions, respectively, on the adjustment date.

Version Released 11/21/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Improvements to distinguishing numeric liquidity flags from direct fees.  
 Data Upload: ITG Matrix: Support importing equity trades.

Version Released 11/19/12

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support new column-delimited file format.  

Version Released 11/16/12

 Trade Fees, Recurring Adjustments: Maximum size of the formula has been increased to allow formulas up to 1 million characters (previous limit was about 64,000 characters).  Added a warning if submitted formula exceeds that size.
 Data Upload: Generic Locates: Added ability to specify the adjustment category to use when uploading locates with fees using the generic format (previously always defaulted to Fee: Stock Locate).   

Version Released 11/12/12

 General: Account may show a tiny balance even if profit/loss computation is disabled.
 Execution Search: Sometimes fees are shown for canceled fills (display error only – they are not included in totals). 
 General: Corrected a small rounding error when computing trading balances (causing some balances to be off by 0.0001). 

Version Released 11/06/12

 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Regression: Export Fees drop-down not displaying correct options.
 Adjustments: Added ability to move or copy adjustments from one account to another from the Audit/Adjustments page.
 Adjustments: Added ability to delete adjustments from the Audit/Adjustments page.
 Trade Fees, Adjustments: When performing mass plan assignment, added ability to select / unselect all accounts.
 Marked Data: Added ability to search by instrument type from the Audit / Symbols page. 
 Data Upload: Generic: Added ability to upload trade corrections
 Data Upload: Sterling: Improved detection of direct fees for BATS and BYX routes. 

Version Released 10/31/12

 General: Internal error logged when looking up a user's browser information.

Version Released 10/30/12

 Adjustments: Regression: Some deleted adjustments may have been incorrectly reinstated.
 User Management: When exporting users to Excel the data now includes the access level. 
 Data Upload: The Totals by Source table on the Uploads page will now default to the most recent date with data up to the current date.  Totals for future dates can still be viewed by clicking the "Later Dates" link.   
 Data Upload: Improved the warning for data posted more than 30 days into the future.  Warning will only show for adjustments, fills and locates and now includes a link to the corresponding Audit page to display a list of matching transactions.  

Version Released 10/29/12

 General: Entering a "0" for plan names would result in a "Name may not be empty" error.
 General: Regression: "From List..." account selection no longer working.  

Version Released 10/26/12

 Adjustment Search: Display the currency of the adjustment in adjustment search results.
 Adjustments: Display the number of adjustments and plans for each adjustment category in the Adjustment Categories page. 
 Adjustments: Display the recurring fee frequency when viewing a recurring fee plan and category.
 Adjustments: When viewing adjustment plans, adjustment category dropdown is now sorted consistent with all other screens: type, group, category name (was group, category name).
 Data Upload: Generic: Support specifying Currency and Entry Date in the generic adjustments file format.
 Position Search: Added ability to search by long, short and closed positions. 
 Locates Search: Added ability to search by quantity and locate id.
 Adjustments: Categories are sporadically made available for deletion despite being in use. 
 Adjustments: Categories page very slow to load if many categories are defined.
 Fee Search: Internal Liquidity filter setting not correctly applied. 

Version Released 10/24/12

 Data Upload: When specifying Do Not Upload List entries, you can now enter an account group.
 Data Upload: Knight (Clearing): Added ability to upload trades and positions from Knight Clearing Services.
 Market Data: Any manual changes to instrument data will now be displayed as part of the data sources section on the edit instrument page.

Version Released 10/23/12

 Position Search: Regression: Pagination links are not being displayed.
 Report: All adjustments will now be shown to the trader.  Used to aggregate adjustments into a single line item if multiple adjustment categories were in the same adjustment group.

Version Released 10/18/12

 Fee Search: Added ability to search and summarize fees and routes.
 Data Upload: Takion: Ignore locate entries with a quantity of 0.
 Trade Fees: Help page links on the formula entry screen not clickable.

Version Released 10/17/12 

 Recurring Fees: Do not post a recurring fee if the amount to charge is 0.
 General: Added an Internal Liquidity code value to all executions and put back Executing Broker.
 Data Upload: Obsidian: RoutingID column is now used as the account Clearing Id.
 Execution Search / Entry: For reference, show the fees as received from the source when editing an execution.  

Version Released 10/15/12 

 Post Processor: Generic Adjustments: Account Ids can be missing from the generated files.
 Post Processor: Generic Adjustments: Unable to generate a file for a date that falls on a weekend. 
 Auditing: Adjustments: Account Id not being shown in the search results (regression). 
 General: Added support for the BATS Exchange (exchange code BTS).
 Market Data: When viewing the symbols list, we will now indicate whether an equity is an ETF (when known).

Version Released 10/11/12

 Auditing: Regression: Date fields are misaligned when long account names are present.
 Data Upload: ABN Futures: Closing prices are not being imported.

Version Released 10/10/12

 Data Upload: Hydra: Support importing Canadian trading activity.
 Data Upload: Generic: Improved processing of options symbols.

Version Released 10/09/12

 Data Upload: Currenex: Support importing f/x trading activity.

Version Released 10/05/12

Auditing: Added ability to search for executions, adjustments, positions and locates within a group or a list of accounts.
 Data Upload: ITG Matrix (Options): Added support for importing a liquidity flag (new field "liquidity_flag"). 

Version Released 09/27/12

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Mass Assign feature fails to find relevant accounts.
 Data Upload: Cantor Fitzgerald: Error uploading a locate file with status "Pending."
 Auditing: Add "Trade Fee: Plan" to list of available objects in the Audit Trail.
 Post Processor: Add ability to specify "Ungrouped Accounts" when selecting groups to export.

Version Released 09/15/12

 Data Upload: Sporadic internal error when archiving uploaded file.
 General: Rename Executing Broker (Exec Bkr) to Internal Route (Int Route) throughout the system.
 General: Performance and memory usage improvements.

Version Released 09/13/12

 Data Upload: Date selector may not display in the Upload log.
 General: Progress bar completely stops updating when browser window is in the background.
 Data Upload: Upload Log table may appear misaligned.
 Post Processor: Add progress bar or some message indicating that a Post Processor is running.
 Data Upload: Obsidian: Support importing futures trades.
 General: Show three rows of information when showing the progress bar.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: For position quantity use the new Trade Date Quantity field. 

Version Released: 08/30/12

 Report: Empty groups appear in Group dropdown on Reports page.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support FLEX options symbology.
 Account Management: Introduce error message when adding a group with a duplicate name. 

Version Released: 08/30/12

 Trade Fees: Formula Type selector is misaligned when editing a formula in IE.
 Account Management: Site crash when adding a group category.

Version Released: 08/29/12

 Trade Fees: Crash when validating formula that contains an assignment to a function.
 Account Management: When editing a group, add ability to move accounts from one group to another.
 Data Upload: Takion: Support importing "When Issued Rights" positions.
 Data Upload, Market Data: On upload, when a symbol is not specified and we are considering using the ISIN as the ticker, apply any ticker symbol rename rules to the ISIN. 
 Account Management: Introduce mutually exclusive account groups / group categories 

Version Released: 08/23/12

 Data Upload: ABN AMRO: Support importing futures positions

Version Released: 08/23/12

 Trade Fees: Incorrectly failing to validate a valid formula when using arrays.
 Report: Detailed: Erroneous text displayed above report.
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Correctly convert warrant symbols like STI.WS.B
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Correctly convert warrant symbols like STIWB

Version Released: 08/21/12

 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Internal error processing adjustments file.
 Report: Group Trade Performance: Site crash when displaying report.
Data Upload: Advantage: Support options on futures trades and positions.

Version Released: 08/20/12

 Position Search: Running out of memory error trying to export positions.
 Market Data: When editing an instrument, rename "Maturity" field to "Expiration" when editing an option.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Add support for column "Contra".
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Receiving 0 for quantity for SBG and SBC entries should no longer generate errors.

Version Released: 08/15/12

 Report: Internal error showing report.
 Data Upload: Generic: Allow specifying the source.
 Data Upload: Generic: Support specifying Sterling symbols (Using "Sterling Symbol" as the column header).

Version Released: 08/07/12

 Market Data: Searching for a symbol with a ticker that's an ISIN or CUSIP does not work.
 Report: Fees by Destination: Destination names are not being exported to Excel.
 Data Upload: On the Upload page, improve Totals by Source display when an upload is posted far into the future.

Version Released: 07/31/12

 Generic execution export may not export the full set of data if an account contains a canceled fill.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support transaction types: FCC, TNC, TKF.
 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Add ability to export original fees.
 Report: Trade Performance by Account: New report added. 

Version Released: 07/26/12

 Report: Fees by Destination: Internal error while displaying the report.
 Data Upload: Added reconciliation totals to the Totals by Source table on the Upload page.

Version Released: 07/25/12

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support LMRK type.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Added support for Custom1, Custom2 and Custom3 fields from Sterling.

Version Released: 07/23/12

 Report: Fees by Destination: Fixed crash while displaying report.
 Executions Search/Entry: Include the "By" column and entry date when exporting to Excel.
 Data Upload: Uploaded files can now be downloaded from the Upload page.
 Data Upload: Show Totals by Source in the Upload page.

Version Released: 07/20/12

 User Management: Users list columns misaligned when viewing in IE.
 Services: Internal error saving a subscription request.
 Data Upload: Laser: possible issues importing correct liquidity flags when PDQM route trades are present.
 General: Support storing the Executing Broker with an execution.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support mixed-case symbols (LHOpD).
 Data Upload: Inteliclear : Update parser for a new comma-delimited format and a change in the date format.
 Data Upload: Locatestock, Smartloan, Assent, Blackwood, Cantor: Added support for locate time stamps.
 Data Upload: RCG: Add support for importing adjustments.

Version Released: 07/17/12

 Data Upload: Advantage: Support an alternate file format for trades, positions and adjustments.
 Data Upload: Generic: Created a new file format for importing locates.
 General: Support storing a time for a locate.

Version Released: 07/12/12

 General: Renamed "Exch," "Exchange," "Dst," "Destination" to Route for consistency.
 Data Upload: Nomura: Support trade file format.
 Data Upload: Penson: Created a parser for the EXT 903 file format.

Version Released: 07/06/12

 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Support a time stamp value "N".

Version Released: 07/05/12

 Executions Search/Entry: Canceling and then restoring an execution will may not restore it's original status.
 Market Data: Unable to edit multipliers for bonds.
 Account Management: Crash while renaming a group to a name that already exists.
 Account Management: Error when exporting accounts list to Excel.
 Data Upload: Generic: Added support for tagging of trades as Manual to set a fee outside of fee plans.
 Executions Search/Entry: No longer export canceled fills when exporting to Excel.
 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Made exporting canceled fills optional.
 Trade Fees: Removed originalPrice and originalSymbol from formulas (was unused).
 Data Upload: Mixit: Improved importing of class securities.
 Data Upload: Do Not Upload list: Indicate the date and person implementing each exclusion rule. 
 Trade Fees: Add ability to manually attach a fee to an option expiration (or any other non-regular trade).

Version Released: 06/28/12

 Account Management, Auditing: Log changes to the Clearing Id when the update was performed by an upload.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Add support for importing the ExecBroker field.

Version Released: 06/21/12

 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Improved support for preferred symbols.
 Data Upload: Laser: Add support for an additional column in the position file.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support EXG, XXP and EXC types.

Version Released: 06/20/12

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Removed support for importing closing prices (incorrect prices being sent).
 Market Data: A rare sequence of events could cause a closing price update to fail.

Version Released: 06/18/12

 Market Data, Auditing: When updating a closing price, the audit trail should include the actual price change and date.
 Recurring Fees: If the beginning of day job fails to run, recurring fees may not compute for that date.
 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support a new record type: DIV.
 Data Upload: Takion: Improved support for preferred symbols.

Version Released: 06/08/12

 Trade Fees: Mass Assign tool can fail if there are more than 10,000 accounts being changed.
 Report: Totals by Account: When there are many adjustment categories the report can get mis-aligned.
 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support a new record type: DTCSUS 
 Data Upload: Laser: Support new field: Group ID

Version Released: 06/02/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Support importing the Clearing Id from the option trade file.

Version Released: 05/29/12

 Market Data: Pagination not working correctly when viewing closing prices.
 Datasync: A position may not get cleared cleared out when a trade is deleted.
 Report: Totals by Account, Totals by Group: When displaying adjustment group sub-headers, show the header even if there is only one category in that group.

Version Released: 05/25/12

 Data Upload: RCG: Support importing positions for reconciliation.
 Data Upload: LiveVol: Support importing trading activity.

Version Released: 05/22/12

 Data Upload: Generic: Regression: PropReports Crash when importing a bloomberg futures symbol.

Version Released: 05/21/12

 Account Management: Exporting accounts to Excel may not work.
 Regression: Exporting fills via API results in crash.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Support warrant symbols containing lower case symbol.
 Data Upload: ITG Matrix: Support a new format for trading activity.
 Data Upload: Generic: Support importing Columbian trades (COP).
 Data Upload: Sterling: Start importing parent allocation trades from Sterling into a segregated account.

Version Released: 05/16/12

 Various internal changes to support operations.

Version Released: 05/11/12

 Post Processor: Generic Instruments: Not all data is being exported.
 Fetch cross-account currency conversion rates as part of the beginning-of-day job if multi-currency accounts are present.
 Data Upload: RCG: Add support for importing trading activity.

Version Released: 05/11/12

 Post Processor: Sterling Positions:Incorrect NDX option prices being exported
 Report: Indicate stale closing prices in italics in all reports.

Version Released: 05/10/12

 Data Upload: Generic: Support ISIN/CUSIP, Listing Exchange, Tape, Subtype, Underlying Symbol, Strike Price, Maturity and Coupon.  See the format specifications.
 Data Upload: Knight Options: Added support for importing index option trades.
 Data Upload: RCG: Support file format changes.
 Post Processor: Add a post processor to export closing prices in the Generic format.

Version Released: 05/09/12

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Category names should be in alphabetic order on the mass-assign forms.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support a new fill type (SS).

Version Released: 05/08/12

 Data Upload, Datasync: When an upload is deleted positions may not be properly purged.
 Data Upload: Mantara: Support an alternate file format.

Version Released: 05/07/12

 Trade Fees: When editing a formula, an incorrect error message may be displayed.
 Trade Fees: Introduce variable orderCount that contains the number of tickets in Per Symbol formulas.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Use the Primary Exchange column instead of Listing Exchange when available.
 Report: Totals by Account, Totals by Group: Display adjustment groups in sub-headers if defined.
 Data Upload: Bloomberg: Support importing trades.

Version Released: 04/29/12

 Report: Detailed: Display the trade price even if zero.
 Data Upload: Takion: Support importing positions.

Version Released: 04/27/12

 Recurring Fees: Error entering a daily formula when referencing the variable profiltLossByType.
 Post Processor: Sterling Positions: Add an option to export either the closing price or average price.
 Post Processor: Silexx Positions: Add an option to export either Clearing Id or Account Id.
 Data Upload: Cantor: Support importing locates.

Version Released: 04/25/12

 Data Upload: Uploaded files are not being archived.

Version Released: 04/20/12

 General: Support lower case liquidity flags.

Version Released: 04/19/12

 Data Upload: Adjustments: Crash while uploading a large adjustments file
 Data Upload: Archive an uploaded file before the upload runs.

Version Released: 04/18/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Canadian securities can get incorrectly imported as USD.

Version Released: 04/17/12

 Data Upload: Realtick: Corrected an issue importing options symbols.
 Account Management: Application crash when updating an Account Id.
 Data Upload: Generic: Improve Canadian Preferred symbol parsing.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support changes to the file format.
 Post Processor: Add a post processor to export adjustments in the Generic format.

Version Released: 04/09/12

 User Management: Abbreviating First name, Last initial is a broken concept for Chinese and Hebrew names.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support a new field "Internalized."

Version Released: 04/04/12

 Report: Fees by Destination: Application crash while updating default destination groupings.
 Report: Summary by Date: Display bug in Firefox when trying to change account.
 Data Upload: Penson: Improved support for Canadian symbols from Penson. 

Version Released: 04/01/12

 Trade Fees: Mass assign preview very slow when there are many accounts.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support no entry in the Commission field.

Version Released: 03/23/12

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Closing prices in the position file are from the previous business day.

Version Released: 03/22/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Recognize and correctly mark buy-to-close and sell-to-open options transactions (was marking them just buy and sell before).

Version Released: 03/22/12

 Data Upload: Penson: Improved support for Canadian securities.

Version Released: 03/21/12

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support importing positions.
 Data Upload: Advantage: Support currency code FS (CHF).
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support XCP, SBC, SBG, SDG, CNC, CNG, XAX, XEX, SPG and TNC entry types and treasury note security transactions.
 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Correctly handle Class and Warrant securities, FTD and FTR entry types and receiving 0 quantity for JNL entries.
 Data Upload: Penson Online: Support additional column: TagNumber.
 Data Upload: Support the TRADER_NAME variable when specifying account id and clearing name rename rules.

Version Released: 03/20/12

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support importing execution time stamps with seconds not specified.
 Account Management, Auditing: Clicking on a page number when viewing the audit trail for an account redirects to the account list.

Version Released: 03/16/12

 Adjustments: Add ability to delete unused user-created adjustment categories.

Version Released: 03/16/12

 Account Management: When copying account settings, add an option to copy the clearing name and firm.
 Payouts: Clicking on the Payouts tab when viewing an account displays the Recurring Fees tab instead (regression).

Version Released: 03/14/12

 Trade Fees, Payouts: Improved formula validation error messages.
 Payouts: Payout formulas not being properly validated prior to saving.

Version Released: 03/13/12

 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Add ability to optionally export the Multiplier, Currency and Fill Id.
 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Make exporting canceled fills optional and export the original fill together with the cancel to be consistent with the file format specification.
 Post Processor: Generic Executions: Performance improvements generating the file.
 Post Processor: When entering a list of account using a wildcard, the regular expression should not be case-sensitive.
 Post Processor: When manually running a post-processor, remember and select the start and end date of the previous run.
 Market Data: When editing an instrument specification, the effective date can sometimes be incorrectly saved.

Version Released: 03/07/12

 Post Processor: Internal error when selecting a group (regression).
 Trade Fees: Server crash when assigning a plan to an account (regression).

Version Released: 03/06/12

 Data Upload: When entering a Display Name rename rule, add the variable TRADER_NAME.
 General: Internal error logged when a user authenticates via the API.

Version Released: 03/02/12

 Account Management: Allow Groups to be hidden, so they are not taking up space in the Group list.
 Account Management: Exporting the account list to Excel produces an error message when opening the spreadsheet.
 Data Upload: Do not allow importing adjustments with offset account in a different currency than the posting account.
 Data Upload: Do not allow uploading adjustments with offset account the same as the posting account.

Version Released: 02/29/12

 Recurring Fees: Add ability to specify an offset account when assigning a recurring fee plan.
 Account Management: In the group list screen, highlight table rows on mouseover.
 Account Management: When creating a new account by copying settings from another, copy the currency and P/L computation setting.
 Account Management: When editing a group, remember and select the last "Select From" group.
 Account Management: Do not allow copying settings from an account with a different base currency.
 Account Management: It's possible to create two accounts with the same id.
 Account Management: When adding multiple accounts to a group using a list, allow account names with a comma when the list contains one account per line.
 Adjustments: When editing an adjustment do not show the current account in the list of available offset accounts.

Version Released: 02/28/12

 Account Management: Allow specifying the display name when entering a list of accounts to add / remove from group.

Version Released: 02/27/12

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support an alternate header in the locate/adjustment file.

Version Released: 02/27/12

 Data Upload: Jefferies: Support an alternate file format for executions.
 Data Upload: When a futures multiplier is missing, set it to 0 to indicate an invalid / incomplete instrument specification (was 1).
 Data Upload: When matching canceled fills, in case of multiple matches, remove those that have different trade and entry dates (assuming corrections).

Version Released: 02/24/12

 Data Upload: Generic: Improved handing of Bloomberg futures symbols.

Version Released: 02/21/12

 Account Management: Display the number of accounts in a group in the edit group and group list screens.

Version Released: 02/21/12

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Add a link to the account in the mass-assign preview screen.

Version Released: 02/20/12

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support the addition of a commission column.
 Data Upload: Smartloan: Support an alternate file format.

Version Released: 02/07/12

 Data Upload, Reconciliation, Execution Search/Entry: Add a way to mark trades as "non-clearable" to exclude them from reconciliation versus the clearing firm.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Improved handing of warrant, when-issued and senior debt securities.
 Data Upload: GHCO GMI: Support importing non-quote-enclosed fields.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Whenever a symbol is missing, generate a random one.

Version Released: 02/06/12

 Trade Fees, Payouts: When editing a formula, highlight matching open / closed brackets and matching open / closed parentheses.

Version Released: 02/03/12

 Data Upload: Sterling: Improved handling of Canadian unit securities.
 Trade Fees: When assigning a plan, quickly double-clicking the submit button may fail to properly update the balance.

Version Released: 02/01/12

 Account Management: When editing groups, add ability to paste a list of accounts to add.
 Account Management: When editing groups, add ability to select accounts from groups other than "All Accounts" and "Ungrouped Accounts."
 Account Management: When editing groups, add ability to undo the last action performed.
 Data Upload: Do not allow uploading closing prices for the current day before the markets are closed.
 Security/Logging: Internal error while logging a password reset request.

Version Released: 01/31/12

 Data Upload: Generic: Improved handling of Canadian unit securities.
 Trade Fees: The correct spot rate may sometimes not be applied when computing a trade fee plan.

Version Released: 01/31/12

 Post Processor: Sporadic internal error when running a post processor (regression).
 Reconciliation: Regression: Sporadic internal error viewing a reconciliation report (regression).
 Report: Fees by Destination: Server crash rendering report (regression).

Version Released: 01/31/12

 Security/Logging: Improved audit trail display and searching.
 Data Upload: All liquidity flags must be upper case.
 General: Sporadic error logged on user login (starting a session).
 Post Processor: Specifying the group "All Accounts" may not work.

Version Released: 01/25/12

 Data Upload: For manual uploads, add the person doing the upload to the status e-mail.
 Data Upload: Receiving test securities in an upload will no longer be treated as an error.
 Data Upload: When the Account Id is blank, set it to "UNALLOCATED"

Version Released: 01/24/12

 Data Upload: Jefferies: Support importing trades, positions and adjustments.
 Data Upload: Lime: Improved handling of preferred securities.
 Data Upload: Mantara: Support importing fills flagged as buy to cover.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Support importing symbols without a suffix.
 Data Upload: Realtick: Support importing LSE securities.
 Data Upload: Stricknet, EODData: Improve detection of ETF securities.
 Data Upload: When matching canceled fills, in case of multiple matches, disregard fills that are part of the same upload.
 Execution Search/Entry: Allow editing an execution's Fill Id.
 Market Data: Rename instrument "Contract Size" to "Multiplier" throughout the system.
 Reconciliation: When viewing a reconciliation report, display a discrepancy count in the table header.
 Security/Logging: Re-fetch location data for IP addresses older than 30 days.
 Data Upload: Do not allow symbols consisting of just a prefix (e.g. +) to be uploaded.
 Market Data: We should not flag futures with a multiplier of 1 as "incomplete."
 Reports: Summary by Date: Total row is off by one column when exported to Excel.

Version Released: 01/17/12

 Data Upload: Generic: Create a way to specify a Fill Id in the executions upload file.
 Data Upload: Generic: Support specifying currency code as "USd" to indicate that the price is quoted in cents.
 Data Upload: When processing a trade cancel, try to match using the Fill Id.
 General: Support non-numeric Fill Ids.
 User Management: If a login has timed out and a user clicks on a link, they should be redirected to the correct page after re-entering their username / password.
 Data Upload: Deleting an upload does not roll back any cancels that may have been applied as part of the upload.

Version Released: 01/10/12

 Data Upload: Mantara: Support changes to the file format.
 Data Upload: Saxis: Support fill type BC (buy to cover).

Version Released: 01/04/12

 Data Upload: Confirmation e-mail will now include the upload's reference id code in the subject.
 Data Upload: Mantara: Support changes to the file format.

Version Released: 01/04/12

 Data Upload: Lime: Support an alternate file format.
 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: When previewing changes via the mass-assign tool, display the number of accounts affected on the preview screen.

Version Released: 12/28/11

 User Management: Added a password strength indicator.
 User Management: Added ability to require a change of password on next login.
 User Management: When a Superuser adds a new user, by default the user will have to change the password on next login.
 User Management: When creating a new user, PropReports will now redirect to the permissions page with the password field in focus after personal information is filled out.

Version Released: 12/28/11

 Data Upload: Wedbush: Improved handling of warrant securities.

Version Released: 12/27/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Improved handling of Canadian unit securities.

Version Released: 12/27/11

 General: Matching text is not correctly highlighted in search results.

Version Released: 12/23/11

 Data Upload: Realtick: Improved detection of the file header and footer.

Version Released: 12/22/11

 Data Upload: Mantara: Support an alternative format for the trade file.

Version Released: 12/22/11

 Post Processor: Orbis Positions: Server crash while generating the file.

Version Released: 12/21/11

 Data Upload: Stering: A trade file may not be recognized as coming from Sterling when multiple files are combined.

Version Released: 12/21/11

 Data Upload: Sterling: Improved handling of preferred securities.
 Data Upload: When searching for closing prices, populate the symbol text field with last search query.
 Market Data: Do not allow deleting an instrument if there are locates or reconciliation data for that instrument.
 Market Data: Force all imported ticker symbols to be in upper case.

Version Released: 12/16/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Handle "compressed" option symbols.

Version Released: 12/16/11

 Data Upload: Wedbush: Incorrectly parsing option symbols when root symbol is followed by a numeric code.

Version Released: 12/15/11

 Post Processor: FTOptions Positions: Support exporting strike price, expiration date, call or put, multiplier and asset type.

Version Released: 12/14/11

 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Filter out non-B, T, Q transactions and support importing non-USD Futures transactions.

Version Released: 12/12/11

 Data Upload: Penson: Support 3-letter rep codes (part of Broadridge conversion).

Version Released: 12/09/11

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: An incorrect plan timeline can be displayed when mass-assigning plans.

Version Released: 12/09/11

 Data Upload: A closing price can get imported multiple times from the same source.

Version Released: 12/08/11

 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Support importing futures trades.

Version Released: 12/06/11

 Data Upload: Knight: Support a new 17-column file format.
 Data Upload: VTrader: Use date from the file name as entry date when entry date is not specified.

Version Released: 12/02/11

Post Processor: Silexx Positions: Pad option symbols to be exactly 21 characters.
 Reconciliation: When reconciling versus the DMA platform, the upload-triggered reconciliation may produce incorrect results.

Version Released: 12/02/11

 Data Upload: VTrader: Support importing option trades.
 Post Processor: Sterling Positions: Option symbols incorrectly sent to Sterling.

Version Released: 11/30/11

 Data Upload: Laser: Trades with zero quantity should be ignored.

Version Released: 11/29/11

 Data Upload: Mixit: use the "E G/U" column for route if executing broker is blank.

Version Released: 11/29/11

 Post Processor: Silexx Positions: Add ability to export positions to Silexx.
 General: Unable to reply to sender of the "Contact Us" e-mail in Gmail.

Version Released: 11/29/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood, Laser: Improved processing of preferred securities.

Version Released: 11/28/11

 Post Processor: Takion Balances: Add ability to export a balance file for Takion.
 General: When showing progress bar, display the name of the person originating the update.
 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Not all affected account detected when applying changes via the mass-assign tool.

Version Released: 11/28/11

 Trade Fees: Performance improvements to fee computation.

Version Released: 11/25/11

 Data Upload: VTrader: Support an alternate file format for executions and importing positions.

Version Released: 11/21/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Improved processing of class securities.
 Data Upload: VTrader: Support alternate date format.

Version Released: 11/21/11

 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing option exercises.
 Reports: No longer put a leading zero for single digit month values when exporting data to Excel (caused formatting issues).
 General: Contact Us e-mail being rejected by mail server because the From address is set to the PropReports domain.
 General: HTML e-mails being delivered as text.

Version Released: 11/17/11

 Reports: Detailed: Sporadic server crashes with an out of memory error.
 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Server crash while testing a mass-assignment. Rendering certain plans fails.

Version Released: 11/16/11

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support CADJ (credit adjustment), DTF (CNS-DTCC transfers), JNL (journal), JNLS (stock journal) and SSP (stock split) entry types.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Improved processing of rights securities.

Version Released: 11/15/11

 Trade Fees, Recurring Fees, Payouts: Add ability to mass-assign plans.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support importing option trades.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support DEL, RSG, RSC and MRG fill types.

Version Released: 11/15/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Support importing contract size in fills and instruments files.
 General: Formatting incorrect when editing a contract or contract template.
 Reports: Fees by Destination: Site crash when adding route grouping for two routes that differ in capitalization only.

Version Released: 11/11/11

 Data Upload: VTrader: Support importing trading activity.
 Data Upload: Mixit: Support importing the optional Executing Broker column.

Version Released: 11/07/11

 Data Upload: Laser: No longer import closing prices (too many incorrect prices being sent).
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Improved processing of warrant securities.
 API: The accounts query is coming back blank for a manager

Version Released: 11/03/11

 Post Processor: Generic Positions: Add a generic position export post processor.
 Reports: Totals by Account: Columns misaligned when exporting a report with commas in the adjustment category names.

Version Released: 11/01/11

 Account Management: When multiple sub-accounts exist for a single clearing account, provide a mechanism to specify a "primary" sub-account to receive trades/adjustments when no sub-account is specified.
 Data Upload: Added ability to set the default clearing firm when configuring upload sources.
 Data Upload: Added ability to toggle fill reconciliation when configuring upload sources.
 Data Upload: Added variable support to rename rules: (ACCOUNT_ID), {CLEARING_ID} and {DISPLAY_NAME}.
 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Ignore trades that have quantity set to 0.
 Data Upload: Laser: Use the ExecLiquidity2 column instead of ExecLiquidity when available.
 User Management: Added Gravatars to the user overview page. A user's image will be displayed on the overview page if available.
 Communication: Internal error when a document upload is aborted.
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Internal error while uploading an adjustment / locate file with a malformed or missing quantity.

Version Released: 10/24/11

 Execution Search/Entry: Internal error when entering an execution with an invalid timestamp.

Version Released: 10/24/11

 Data Upload: Added ability to test the Do Not Upload list against an account name.
 Post Processor: Stering Position: Closing prices may be sent from the wrong day.

Version Released: 10/24/11

 Data Upload: Sterling: The commission column in the equities trade file is now optional.
 Trade Fees: When validating a formula, a variable can be incorrectly identified as a function call.

Version Released: 10/10/11

 Reports: Fees by Destination: Internal error rendering report.
 Trade Fees: Incorrect rounding may occur when non-arbitrary precision math is used in the plan formula.

Version Released: 10/07/11

 Data Upload: Penson: Improved processing of warrant securities.
 Reports: Fees by Destination: Internal error rendering report.

Version Released: 10/06/11

 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Handle COC, COG and FCC transaction types.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Improved detection of option symbols.
 Data Upload: Fortex: Accept all-comma lines as blank.

Version Released: 09/28/11

 Account Management: If data is coming from a clearing firm and no clearing name is specified, use account name as clearing name.
 Data Upload: Hydra: Support the addition of the AlgoDetails column.
 Data Upload: Penson: Support Broadridge account numbers.

Version Released: 09/22/11

 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support importing adjustments.

Version Released: 09/22/11

 Data Upload: Inteliclear: Support importing trading activity.

Version Released: 09/19/11

 Reports: Fees by Destination: Error exporting report to Excel.

Version Released: 09/16/11

 General: No PropReports pages should be accessible during the upgrade process.
 Market Data: Internal error fetching warrant definitions from the market data server.

Version Released: 09/08/11

 Data Upload: Hydra: Support importing a fill type "BC".
 Data Upload: Minibunch: Support importing CAD securities.
 Trade Fees: Remove trailing blanks at the end of a fee plan.
 Post Processor: After a market holiday, generated files may have missing closing prices.

Version Released: 08/30/11

 Data Upload: Updating the same instrument more than once within the same upload can cause a large amount of data to be unnecessarily recomputed.
 General: Deleting a large number of executions locks the database for an extended period of time.

Version Released: 08/28/11

 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Improved handling of preferred securities.

Version Released: 08/26/11

 Post Processor: Saxis Positions: Support sending the asset type.
 Post Processor: Error sending empty files via e-mail.

Version Released: 08/25/11

 Data Upload: Saxis: Support importing option trades.
 Security/Logging: Performance improvements.

Version Released: 08/24/11

 Account Management: Make account source field editable.

Version Released: 08/23/11

 User Management: Sporadic crash when loading the users screen.

Version Released: 08/23/11

 Account Management: When editing an account, show instrument types traded in the header.
 Market Data: Performance improvements when updating a closing price.
 General: Editing HTML templates causes extra line breaks to be inserted.
 Market Data: Saving redundant instrument data.
 Payouts: Other pages fail to load while payouts are being computed.

Version Released: 08/17/11

 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Support receiving TAF and SEC fees in the trade file.
 Execution Search/Entry: Editing a trade and deleting a fee results in the fee being set to -1.

Version Released: 08/17/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Support importing securities in the Nasdaq IP format.
 General: Sporadically unable to look up an IP address.

Version Released: 08/11/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Improved handling of blank lines.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Transactions occurring in the same minute can be incorrectly ordered.
 General: Sporadic internal error when sending an email message.

Version Released: 08/09/11

 Reconciliation: A division by zero error can occur when two fills cancel each other out.
 Reports: Totals by Account: Sporadic error generating report when multiple instrument types are traded.

Version Released: 08/06/11

 Post Processor: Internal error logged when saving a configuration change.
 Reports: Trade Performance: Internal error logged when rendering the report.
 Trader Applications: Internal error logged when e-mailing a contract.

Version Released: 08/05/11

 Trade Fees: When displaying the formula in the plan test screen, the last character is cut off.
 Trade Fees: When editing fee rules, the editor incorrectly indicates a number that starts with a period as invalid.

Version Released: 08/01/11

 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support extra commas in the trade file.
 General: Progress bar gets stuck at 100% when computing balances making gauging progress difficult.

Version Released: 08/01/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support changes to the locates and adjustment file.
 Data Upload: Fortex: Support alternate header format.
 User Management: Add ability to permission a manager to view the group "All Accounts"

Version Released: 07/26/11

 Data Upload: Sterling: Improved importing of CAD securities.
 Reports: Trade Performance: Export to Excel always exports the "Daytrades & Overnights" report even if "Daytrades Only" is selected.
 Trade Fees: When viewing a trade fee plan, at most 33 accounts are displayed as assigned to the plan.

Version Released: 07/22/11

 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support extra commas in the position file.

Version Released: 07/21/11

 Data Upload: Knight: Supporting receiving dates in the Knight Option Cost file in E notation (!).

Version Released: 07/20/11

 API: Add a unique PropReports Id to executions being exported via the API.
 Data Upload: Laser: Support an alternate column-delimited file format.
 Reports: Trade Performance: Change the hour breakdown for Forex trades.

Version Released: 07/19/11

 API: Added an API to export executions from PropReports.
 Adjustments: Recurring fees may not update when a close price is updated.

Version Released: 07/18/11

 General: Show a progress bar to all superusers when an update is in progress.
 Market Data: Performance improvements uploading closing prices.
 General: A "Server Busy" dialog box may pop up in the Chrome browser when updating plans.
 Market Data: From and To checkboxes do not stay selected when paging through the closing price list.

Version Released: 07/14/11

 Trade Fees: Added "[]" syntax to fee rules allowing charging a fixed amount per execution.
 Execution Search/Entry: Positions are not carried forward when a manual trade is posted.

Version Released: 07/13/11

 Market Data: Add ability to specify a start and end date when searching for closing prices.
 Trade Fees: Site crash when editing a markup plan (regression).
 Trade Fees: When displaying plan test results, the formula is sometimes not displayed.
 Trade Fees: When editing a formula, line numbers may not line up with the code, the height of the input field is too large and the right border can be missing.

Version Released: 07/12/11

 Data Upload: EODData: Use the file name date instead of today's date when determining effective date of an instrument change.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Use the file name date instead of the Activity Date column as position date.
 Trade Fees: Internal error logged when displaying formula test results.

Version Released: 07/08/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support alternate header format.
 Execution Search/Entry: When posting a manual trade, show the date and account name in the success message.
 Data Upload: Knight: Support an alternate file format for importing options trades.

Version Released: 07/07/11

 Data Upload: Improve option maturity, type and strike price parsing (derive from OSI symbol whenever possible).
 Data Upload: Penson (Phase3): Handle option expiration trades.

Version Released: 07/06/11

 Data Upload: Mixit: Support receiving empty trade files.
 Data Upload: Penson: Support an alternate format for option symbols.
 Trade Fees: When testing a formula, entering a lowercase symbol can cause an unnecessary recompute and an update to the master symbol list.

Version Released: 06/26/11

 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support receiving negative quantity amounts for sell trades from Wedbush.
 Market Data: Correcting a symbol can be extremely slow.

Version Released: 06/25/11

 Data Upload: Sterling: Receiving a file without OrderRecordID column generates an internal error.

Version Released: 06/25/11

 Trade Fees: When editing a formula, display the total number of accounts assigned instead of just the first 32.
 Auditing: Save the amount of realized / unrealized balance change for an account as a result of an update.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Support importing closing prices.
 Data Upload: Mixit: Support importing trades.
 Market Data: Balances may not be correctly updated when a spot rate is changed.
 Market Data: Balances may not be correctly updated when an instrument specification is changed.

Version Released: 06/20/11

 Market Data: Added ability to search for currency codes, tape values and exchange codes in the Instruments page.
 Trade Fees: % fees not correctly computed using fee rules whenever the contract size is less than 1.

Version Released: 06/20/11

 Execution Search/Entry: Added ability to search for numeric ranges (e.g. 100-200) and quantity lists (e.g. 1, 2, 3).
 Account Management: Added ability to copy plan and group configuration from one account to another.

Version Released: 06/17/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Support for importing Israeli agorot (ILs) as currency type.
 Data Upload: Delete link should not display in the upload log next to uploaded Instruments.
 Market Data: Crash correcting an instrument that contains a comma.

Version Released: 06/15/11

 Corporate Actions: Option Exercise: Crash when entering a "%" for symbol.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Trade tags are sometimes not imported.

Version Released: 06/13/11

 Reports: Compliance: Short Sale: Added account name to the report.

Version Released: 06/13/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support changes in the file format.

Version Released: 06/12/11

 Communication: Added ability to distribute documents (files) to individual traders or groups.
 Trade Fees: Non-printable characters can cause unexpected results when processing formulas or fee rules.

Version Released: 06/05/11

 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support changes in the file format.
 Data Upload: Fortex: Use the reported price instead of executed price.

Version Released: 06/05/11

 Execution Search Entry: When entering a manual execution, set the default date to the most recent business day.
 Fills: Support prices up to 10 decimal points (DECIMAL(18, 8)).
 Market Data: Crash when correcting symbol capitalization.

Version Released: 06/05/11

 Account Management: Added unrealized and total balance to accounts list page and the edit account header.
 Reports: Summary by Date: Added total balance column.
 Reconciliation: When viewing a reconciliation, the previous/next links are sometimes incorrect/broken.

Version Released: 06/03/11

 Post Processor: Blackwood: Added ability to generate BOD position and balance files.
 Resources: Unable to upload csv files through the HTML editor file manager tool.

Version Released: 06/02/11

 Data Upload: Knight: Set the destination as NITE for all trades imported from the short-form file.

Version Released: 05/30/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Toronto Exchange Class A symbols should be imported as "FOO/A.TO".

Version Released: 05/27/11

 Data Upload: Generic: Support for importing South African cents (ZAr) as currency type.
 Execution Search/Entry: When manually posting a trade, a negative number in any fee field is not being accepted.

Version Released: 05/26/11

 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Added ability to process option exercise and assignment entries.
 Data Upload: Generic: Support for importing British pence (GBp) as currency type.
 Market Data: Unable to set contract size to be < 1 when editing an instrument.

Version Released: 05/25/11

 Market Data: Search field will now be in focus when opening the Closing Prices and Instruments pages.
 Trade Fees: Added ability to use instrument currency (curr) in fee rules.
 Trade Fees: Fee rules will now apply the spot rate (if any) when computing a fee based on a percent value of the trade.

Version Released: 05/25/11

 Trade Fees: Added $quantity, $quantityBought and $quantitySold as "Per Symbol" formula variables.

Version Released: 05/25/11
 Data Upload: Generic: Added support for importing closing prices (specifications).

Version Released: 05/23/11
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Support importing trader-specified trade tags.
 Reports: Daytrade Performance: Display performance by trader-specified trade tags (if available)

Version Released: 05/20/11
 Data Upload: Realtick: Support changes in the file format.
 Data Upload: Crash when processing a malformed file with too many errors.

Version Released: 05/20/11

 Data Upload: Instaquote: Use native liquidity flag in lieu of liquidity flag (if available).
 Reconciliation: Fix broken pagination link.

Version Released: 05/19/11
 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Correctly classify interest and locate charges.

Version Released: 05/16/11
 Trade Fees: Improve fee rule validation — detect missing "=>" (fee separator).
 Trade Fees: Added ability to "OR" conditions in fee rules.
 Trade Fees: Added custom syntax highlighting when editing a "Fee Rules" plan.
 Trade Fees: "Per Symbol" is displayed as plan type in the plan list even though the plan type is actually "Fee Rules."

Version Released: 05/13/11 
 Data Upload: Neovest: Support changes in the file format.
 Trade Fees: Added a new formula type: "Fee Rules."
 Trade Fees: Added ability to use fill quantity in fee rules (qty).

Version Released: 05/12/11
 Data Upload: Fortex: Support importing trade data with the cross rate column omitted.

Version Released: 05/11/11
 Data Upload: Instaquote: Detect ML smart-routed option trades and mark the route as MLO-SMART / MLOS-SMART.

Version Released: 05/11/11
 Trade Fees: Allow functions strtoupper() / strtolower() in formulas.

Version Released: 05/11/11
 Data Upload: Locatestock: Added preferred symbol normalization.
 Position Search/Entry: Change default date to be previous trading day.
 Market Data: Correcting a symbol will now also correct locates.
 Reports: Internal error when generating a list of groups.

Version Released: 05/06/11
 Data Upload: Hydra: Improve handling of malformed lines.
 Market Data: Audit/Instruments page will now remember and display the results of the last search.
 Market Data: When editing a symbol's specifications, the effective date is now optional.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Imported index options do not have correct underlyer set.

Version Released: 05/05/11
 Data Upload: Fortex: Trade timestamps are not being correctly imported.

Version Released: 05/03/11
 Data Upload: Blackwood: Support importing locates.

Version Released: 05/03/11
 Trade Fees: Validation error when using arbitrary precision math functions in formulas (e.g. bcsub).

Version Released: 05/02/11
 Data Upload: Lek: Not correctly processing entries with a blank value for TAF.

Version Released: 05/02/11
 Data Upload: Takion: Added ability to import locates and locate adjustments.

Version Released: 05/02/11
 Data Upload: Fortex: Added ability to import trades.
 Trade Fees: Sporadic internal error testing plan formulas.
 Trade Fees: When editing a formula, clicking on the horizontal scroll bar sometimes enables selection mode.

Version Released: 04/26/11
 Corporate Action: Option Expiration: When an expiration fails due to missing option specifications, added a link to edit the option.
 Data Upload: Knight: Support changes to the file format.
 Market Data: No longer allow deleting an instrument if that instrument is an underlyer for an option that has traded.
 Market Data: Show the number of options an instrument is the underlyer for when viewing instrument details.
 Reconciliation: Support partially canceled trades.
 Trade Fees: Add ability to use fee rules for instruments other than equities
 Trade Fees: Add ability to use instrument type, underlying symbol, underlyer type and sub-type in fee rules.
 Trade Fees: Show better error messages when editing a plan formula.
 Trade Fees: When testing a plan formula using a sample trade, look up instrument specifications for the symbol being tested.
 Data Upload: Newedge: Support importing trades and positions.
 Trade Fees: Added a new syntax-highlighting editor.
 Market Data: Performance: Searching for closing prices can be very slow when searching a large database.
 Market Data: Sporadic crash when fetching instrument specifications from the central market data server.
 Market Data: Updating an instrument should trigger a recomputation of fees for any related options.
 Market Data: When correcting a symbol, the underlying option symbol should also be corrected.
 Positions Search: Exporting positions to Excel exports at most 100 records.
 Trade Fees: Evaluating a formula with an syntax error can cause a crash.
 Trade Fees: Unable to specify a fee rule looking for a liquidity flag '>'.

Version Released: 04/19/11
 Account Management: Do not allow the display name to be set to blank.
Version Released: 04/19/11
 Data Upload: Laser: Support format changes (trailing null fields).
 Data Upload: Sterling: Support importing options with partial or missing specifications.

Version Released: 04/18/11
 Data Upload: Instaquote: Support importing ETF flags.
 Data Upload: Knight: Support format changes (additional column).
 Market Data: Look up the underlyer when adding a new option instrument.
 Reports: Detailed: When there are many trades in a particular symbol, display the symbol again in the symbol total row.
 Account Management: Performance: Query to get ungrouped accounts is slow if there are many groups and accounts.
 Beginning of Day: Performance: Query to check if any options expired or traded past maturity is very slow if there are many options being traded.
 Market Data: In the instruments list, index symbols are incorrectly listed as equities.
 Market Data: When manually updating an instrument, the From date is not always correctly used.

Version Released: 04/13/11
 Data Upload: Smartloan: Support changes to the file format.
 Market Data: Traded volume not being fetched from the central market data server.
Version Released: 04/13/11
 Data Upload: Generic: Better handling of malformed headers.
 Executions Search/Entry: Added ability to search by contra and liquidity flag.
 Executions Search/Entry: Added ability to search for empty values by specifying double quotes ("").
 Reports: Fees by Destination: Broke down fees and share counts by instrument type.
 Market Data: Missing instrument specifications will now be fetched from the central market data server.
 Reports: New Report: Compliance: 10% Volume.
 Data Upload: Knight: Short sales are not being processed correctly.
 Reports: Selecting Last Business Day as the date range can select incorrect end day.
Version Released: 04/08/11
 Trade Fees: Enabled row highlighting when previewing plan output results.
 Account Management: After deleting an adjustment for an account that has mutiple pages of adjustments, page one loads instead of the current page.
Version Released: 04/07/11
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Added warrant symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Minibunch: Added warrant symbol normalization.
 Reconciliation: Pagination is broken on the reconciliations page.
Version Released: 04/07/11
 Data Upload: Liquid Trading: Support for importing trading activity.
 Locates Search: Exporting to Excel produces a file with only the first 100 locates.
 Positions Search: Exporting to Excel does not display quantity held and quantity traded correctly.

Version Released: 04/05/11
 Data Upload: Laser: Remap '(' to 'RT' and ')' to 'RX' for EDGA and EDGX destinations.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Incorrectly importing open orders.
 Reconciliation: Reconciliation output is displayed as an error in the upload log.

Version Released: 04/05/11
 Account Management: Added dates traded and equity balance to Excel export.
 Data Upload: Knight: Support file format changes.

Version Released: 04/04/11
 Reconciliation: Added a progress indicator when running a reconciliation report.
 Reconciliation: Added a separate page to view and re-run reconciliation reports (was in the Uploads page).

Version Released: 04/04/11
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Support importing trades from the "Closed Trades" report.
 Post Processor: Added ability to configure the name of the exported file.
 Post Processor: Adding the "All Accounts" group is not working.

Version Released: 03/31/11
 Data Upload: Instaquote: Add support for importing CAD trades.
 Data Upload: No longer show an error when importing blank closing prices (ignore them).

Version Released: 03/30/11
 Post Processor: Do not display the password in the delivery method configuration.
 Reports: Last Month date range selects incorrect ending date.

Version Released: 03/29/11
 Data Upload: Assent (Allocation): Added class symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Import listing exchange information when available.
 Sterling: Handle commas in the client order id field.
 Compliance: If there are no aggregation units defined, all accounts for the group get combined into a single aggregation unit.
 Data Upload: Wolverine: Buy to close trades and weekly option trades not being correctly processed.

Version Released: 03/20/11
 Account Management: Added dates traded and balance in the accounts list.
 Data Upload: Mantara: Added support for an alternate file format.

Version Released: 03/15/11
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Added ability to import CSB and REC security journal types.
 Data Upload: Smarloan: Added ability to import locates and locate fees.

Version Released: 03/14/11
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Added ability to import security journal entries.
 Reports: Regression: internal error when exporting reports to Excel.

Version Released: 03/11/11
 Data Upload: Lek: Importing options executions and positions.
 Trade Fees: Support for min() and max() functions and comments in fee rules.

Version Released: 03/10/11
 Data Upload: Eoddata: Added class symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Lek: Added class symbol normalization.
 Market Data: Allow editing contract size for equities.
 Reports: Contract size not being shown in Profit/Loss detail when contract size is less than 1.

Version Released: 03/06/11
 Reports: New Report: Expiring Options by Month
 Reports: Trades: Misaligned columns when more than one instrument type is being traded.

Version Released: 03/06/11
 Data Upload: Laser: Fill type "E" not being processed.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Incorrect conversion rate imported for trades ("deals") with same price but different trade dates.

Version Released: 03/02/11
 Reports: Group Adjustments: Account name may sometimes be blank.

Version Released: 03/01/11
 Data Upload: Rename rules for clearing account names are now supported.
 Data Upload: Wolverine: Short trades not being correctly imported.

Version Released: 02/25/11
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Incorrectly processing positions with no realized P/L set.

Version Released: 02/25/11
 Data Upload: Instaquote: Added warrant and class symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Wolverine: Support importing trade data.
 Reports: Selecting data ranges not working in Internet Explorer.

Version Released: 02/24/11
 Reports: Improve date selection by providing a shortcut to quickly select date ranges.
 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Incorrectly processing sell fills with no price.
 Market Data: On non-material symbol change (e.g. company name) a new database entry is being created (should just update the existing one).

Version Released: 02/21/11
 Account Management: Can now search for accounts by clearing firm name (e.g. Penson).
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support for importing CASH transactions.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Support for importing swap charges.
 Reports: Compliance: Marking the Close: Added ability to export report to Excel.
 Compliance: Added support for Aggregation Units

Version Released: 02/19/11
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing adjustments.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing warrant trades.
 General: Change password feature now e-mails the user a link that lets him pick a new password.
 Adjustments Search: Amounts > 999 get cut off when exported to Excel.
 Report: Detailed: Net P/L not being displayed in the daily total if the only transaction for the day is a journal trade.

Version Released: 02/17/11
 Data Upload: InstaQuote: Support alternate way to specify execution intention.

Version Released: 02/16/11
 Data Upload: Sterling: Imported detection of Sterling files (order of headers is no longer important).

Version Released: 02/15/11
 General: When generating Excel spreadsheet files, the cells are now set as "locked" to as per default Excel behavior.
 Reports: Adjustments: Internal error exporting Adjustments report to Excel when there are no adjustments to export.

Version Released: 02/15/11
 Locates Search: Locate quantity not being correctly exported to Excel.

Version Released: 02/13/11
 Recurring Adjustments: Added totalsByCategory array to recurring adjustment formulas. The variable contains totals for each adjustment category from the account's inception.
 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Support importing cancels.
 Data Upload: Knight: Support changes to the file header.
 Data Upload: Laser: Support alternate adjustments file format.

Version Released: 02/08/11
 Data Upload: Assent: Added support for importing fills from a new "allocated executions" file.
 Data Upload: Lek Securities: Add support for a new consolidated fills and adjustments file.
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Added ability to import positions.
 Reconciliation: When reconciling fills, if there are too many discrepancies, the reconciliation will abort.
 Market Data, Reconciliation: Correcting a symbol will now affect re-run reconciliation results.
Version Released: 02/07/11
 Data Upload, Reconciliation: Added a way to view and re-run a reconciliation report from the upload history log.
 Data Upload: Display upload errors (if any) in the upload history log.
 Reconciliation: Handle "as of" trades when performing reconciliation (reconciliation will now run for all dates affected by new data).
 Reconciliation: Fixed issue with severe memory consumption by the reconciliation process.
Version Released: 02/03/11
 Data Upload, Reconciliation: Account rename rules now apply to data being uploaded for reconciliation.
 Data Upload: Generic: Added a way to specify offset adjustment accounts. Information on the format can be found here.
Version Released: 02/02/11
 Data Upload: Support changes to Assent's options file format (field delimiter).
 Account Management, Reconciliation: Allowing lowercase and mixed case account ids caused accounts to mismatch during reconciliation. All account ids are now forced to be uppercase.
Version Released: 01/31/11
 Data Upload: Lek Securities: Support importing internal security journals and options exchange codes.
 Data Upload: Obsidian: Incorrect field being imported as the account.
Version Released: 01/28/11
 Data Upload: ABN Amro: Support importing fills, positions and adjustments.
 Data Upload: Lek Securities: Support importing fills, positions and adjustments.
 Data Upload: Obsidian: Support importing fills.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Added ability to import reorgs.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing option expirations and assignments.
 Data Upload: JMX: Support changes to the file header.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Support importing liquidity flags for options trades.
 Data Upload: Uploaded adjustment's entry date will now be based on what's specified in the file (before it was the date of the upload).
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support importing equity positions without a symbol (use CUSIP to look up symbol when possible).
 Locates Search: Add ability to export search results to Excel.
 Positions Search: Add ability to export search results to Excel.
 User Management: When entering a new user, add ability to enter a name (in addition to e-mail or user id).
 Data Upload: OSI symbols with one-letter underlying securities can sometimes be incorrectly parsed.
Version Released: 01/22/11
Adjustments Search: Add ability to export search results to Excel.
Version Released: 01/20/11
 Data Upload: Assent: Add support for a new options trade file.
 When displaying a shortened date (mm/dd), display the year if the date is more than a year in the past.
 Corporate Action: Incorrect entry date set on fills generated by a corporate action (should be the day the action is run).
 Corporate Action: No source set on an execution generated by a corporate action.
 Corporate Action: Running an action does not trigger a recompute (regression).
 Executions Search/Entry: Saving a fill with a blank value for time crashes PropReports.
 Market Data: Error when correcting a symbol containing special characters.
 Market Data: Incorrect source set on a rename rule created when correcting a symbol.
 Report: Open Positions: Internal error displaying the report (regression).
Version Released: 01/18/11
 Data Upload: InstaQuote: Handle receiving "???" for options currency.
 Data Upload: Penson Extract: Improved preferred symbol normalization.
 Executions Search/Entry: Internal error displaying executions summary.
Version Released: 01/17/11
 Added page-specific titles to the browser title bar.
 Adjustments Search: Layout changes to make consistent with other pages.
 Corporate Actions: Buyout/Delist: Changed Buyout action to Buyout/Delist.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Symbols ending with .LN should be recognized as LSE.
 Executions Search/Entry: Indicate fill entry date and source.
 Market Data: Exchange Rates have been combined with Closing Prices.
 Auditing: Internal error logging a request.
 Data Upload: Generic: Category name is case-sensitive.
Version Released: 01/12/11
 Market Data: Query performance improvements searching for symbols and closing prices.
Version Released: 01/11/11
 Market Data: Support change in symbol information (e.g. listing exchange) as of a particular date.
Post Processing: Generic Executions: Optionally export symbol listing exchange and tape in the generated file.
 Data Upload: Hydra: Improved processing of malformed lines.
 Market Data: Improved layout of the Edit Symbol page.
 User Management: Searching for an e-mail address with a digit returns too many users.
Version Released: 01/02/11
 Account Management: Changing an account id can fail if the new account id has leading 0's.
Version Released: 01/01/11
 Auditing: Capture and display users' location.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Attempt to detect whether an uploaded file is in a "squeezed" format and if so report error.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Check that the file footer was read to make sure a complete file was processed.
 Data Upload: Assent: When importing adjustments, the clearing account id is not being saved.
Version Released: 12/26/10
 Post Processing: Ability to run a post processor across a range of dates.
 Post Processing: Ability to run the same post processor in multiple configurations (e.g. export executions for Group A to FTP A and Group B to FTP B).
 Post Processing: Generic Executions: Export executions in the Generic format for one or more accounts.

Version Released: 12/23/10
 Data Upload: Meta Trader: Trade timestamps not being correctly converted.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Improved option position quantity parsing (better accounting for rounding errors).
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support "closing purchase" trade side.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support money market instrument type.
 Data Upload: Laser: Map some 1 character DirectEdge flags to correct 2-character codes.
 Data Upload: Minibunch: Added preferred symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Warrant symbol normalization.
 Applications/Contracts: Internal error e-mailing a contract.
 Data Upload: Stricknet: Importing test symbols.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Incorrect trade side imported on cancels.
 Report: Trades: Net P/L can sometimes be not include all fees.
Version Released: 12/22/10
 Data Upload: Penson Extract: Support alternate format for position file.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Improve option position reconciliation (more accurately detect option positions).
Version Released: 12/17/10
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support the Fund instrument type.
 Data Upload: Meta Trader: Support symbol format changes.
Version Released: 12/14/10
 Data Upload: Sterling: Import options closing prices from the trade file when available.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Not correctly importing Buy and Cancel Buy option trades.
 Report: Group Trade Performance: Error exporting report to Excel.
Version Released: 12/13/10
 Report: Trades: Qty column split into Buy Qty and Sell Qty for clarity.
 Adjustments: Recurring plans can be applied in any order if the category ordinals are the same.
 Report: Trade Performance: Ability to run the report for a group.
 Report: Trade Performance: Option to include overnight trades.

Version Released: 12/09/10
 Data Upload: Advantage: Handle sporadically receiving position snippets in the trade file.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support alternate option symbol format.
Version Released: 12/07/10
 Reconciliation: Improve canceled fill matching by using timestamps when available.
 Adjustments: Under a rare scenario daily recurring adjustments may not be computed for plans that did not start at the beginning of the month.
Version Released: 12/06/10
 Resources: Added ability to create resource pages.
Version Released: 12/03/10
 Auditing: Internal error when logging some audit messages.
Version Released: 12/01/10
 Data Upload: ETC: Not handling receiving a 0 for closing price.
Version Released: 11/30/10
 Data Upload: ETC: Support changes to the positions file format (added closing prices).
 Auditing: When creating a user, an audit log entry is not being created.
 Trade Fees: Fee rule "dst=ABC, XYZ" will not pick up route XYZ because of the space after the comma.
Version Released: 11/21/10
 Market Data: When correcting a symbol, create a symbol rename rule as appropriate.
Version Released: 11/19/10
 Data Upload: Generic: Interpret "SE" trade side as a Sell.
 Fills: Add support for liquidity codes up to 8 characters.
Version Released: 11/12/10
 Data Upload: When importing a fill with just a cusip, attempt to look up the symbol.
 Reconciliation: Improved matching of multiple cancels to a single fill.
 Reconciliation: Incorrect discrepancy when two external cancels match two internal trades for the same symbol, quantity, price and account.
Version Released: 10/23/10
 Trade Fees: Add ability to code fee formulas per symbol traded and per symbol/per side traded (e.g. $6 / symbol).
 General: Added pagination to the release notes page.
 Reports: Add an "All Accounts" group for managers that will contain all accounts across their groups.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: No longer import trades marked as "Expired."
 Executions Search/Entry: Enter an Execution link should not be displayed if there are no accounts in the system.
Version Released: 10/21/10
 Executions Search/Entry: You can now optionally specify an Order Id when posting an execution.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing JRS "illogical symbol" movement transactions.
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Support importing trades without a ticker symbol. If a symbol is missing, PropReports will set the symbol to be either the ISIN or CUSIP.
 Execution Search/Entry: The symbol entry field was widened to accommodate OSI symbols.
 Market Data: When editing an instrument, option descriptions can no longer be edited. They are automatically derived from the option specification.
 Data Upload: Yahoo: Instrument definition was not being flagged as coming from Yahoo.
 Market Data: When editing an instrument, marking an equity as an ETF was not working.
 Reports: Export to Excel now works with Apple iWork Numbers.
Version Released: 10/18/10
 Data Upload: Generic: Fees in parenthesis will now be imported as negative (e.g. (123) will be imported as -123).
 Data Upload: Generic: Trades without a status column will now import.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added ability to import positions for reconciliation by sub-account.
Version Released: 10/17/10
 Data Upload: When adding a rename rule, PropReports will now display the last rule added as part of success message.
 Data Upload: When editing rename rules, the match expression text field will now be automatically selected when the page loads.
 General: Clicking on an "Add" link will automatically select the first input field. For example, clicking on "Add User" selects the "User Id or E-mail" field.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: No longer import trades marked as "Cancelled by Dealer."
 Data Upload: Rename rules containing special HTML characters do not get displayed correctly.
 Market Data, Reports: Symbols containing special HTML markup characters do not get displayed correctly.
Version Released: 10/15/10
 Data Upload: Credit Suisse: Added importing trades and positions.
 Data Upload: Penson: Support importing cancel/rebill transactions.
 Data Upload: Wedbush: Support importing cancel/rebill transactions.
 Reconciliation: Improved matching of cancels to reduce reconciliation false alarms.
 Reconciliation: Improved matching of flat internal vs external positions to reduce reconciliation false alarms.
 Data Upload: InstaQuote: Fixed an internal error when importing an option assignment.
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Incorrect timestamps were being imported.
 Executions Search/Entry: Copying a trade into the same account does not work.
Version Released: 10/15/10
 Data Upload: EODData: Added support for importing option closing prices.
 Data Upload: EODData: Added support for uploading the instrument definition files for US equities, options and indexes.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added ability to import positions for reconciliation.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added ability to import the clearing account id from the trade detail file.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Symbology normalization for warrants and rights.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Ignoring non-trade transactions (CSD, INT) in the ACT file.
Version Released: 10/11/10
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added ability to import trading activity from the trade detail file.
Version Released: 10/07/10
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Added ability to import trading activity.
 Market Data: Add ability to look up settlement currency exchange rate from the Market Data Server if none is specified for non-USD settled securities.
Version Released: 10/04/10
 Reports: Exporting fills to Excel exports canceled trades without any indication that they are canceled.
Version Released: 09/30/10
 Data Upload, Auditing: Shortened a user's name to first name, last initial in the upload history table.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added support for importing sub-accounts from the ACT file.
 Data Upload: Penson: Very large adjustments in EXT-026 files can sometimes fail to import.
Version Released: 09/26/10
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added ability to import trading activity from the ACT file.
 Market Data: Added ability to query the Market Data Server for exchange rates.
 Data Upload: Penson: Improved handling formatting variations in the Penson EXT-010 file.
 Market Data: Symbols ending in .TO are now automatically flagged as CAD-currency.
 Data Upload: Unable to import files encoded with UTF-8 explicit byte ordering.
 Market Data: Editing a closing price sometimes shows the price using exponential notation (e.g. 1.0E-8).
 Market Data: Exchange rate guesses are not always correctly saved.
Version Released: 09/25/10
 Data Upload: Metatrader: Added ability to import trading activity.
 General: Added support for trading currency pairs that are immediately settled in USD using a varied daily spot rate.
 Market Data: Internal error while processing an update to the GBP exchange rate.
 Market Data: ISIN fails to update when editing a symbol.
Version Released: 09/17/10
 Market Data: Added support for the Pence Sterling (GBX) currency to be derived from GBP.
 Market Data: Switched to storing ISINs instead of CUSIPs.
 Corporate Actions: Widened symbol entry text fields in the corporate action pages to accommodate OSI option symbols.
 Data Upload, Reconciliation: Renamed symbol may not correctly match a position during reconciliation.
 User Management, Security: Removed ability for managers with user list access to export the list to Excel.
Version Released: 09/14/10
 User Management, Reports: Added a way to specify an end date when restricting a user's access to report.
 Data Upload: ETC: Added class A and B symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Genesis: Added class A and B symbol normalization.
 Reconciliation: Improved performance and memory consumption of the fill reconciliation process.
Version Released: 09/13/10
 Account Management: Added ability to rename an account id.
 Data Upload: Fidessa: Added ability to import trading activity.
 Trade Fees: Added ability to specify buy or sell in fee rules.
 Account Management: Fixed an issue with the sub-menu becoming visible whenever an account is deleted from the accounts list page.
Version Released: 09/07/10
 Data Upload: Penson: Added warrant symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Added warrant symbol normalization.
Version Released: 08/30/10
 Auditing: The audit log entry for a deleted fill will now show the details of the fill that was deleted.
 Data Upload: Penson GHCO: Added support for importing adjustments from the GMI file.
 Reports: Top Ten: Corrected placement of the dividing line between the top and bottom ten entries.
Version Released: 08/27/10
 Data Upload: Advantage: Added support for handling option assignments.
 Data Upload: Assent: Added support for handling option expirations.
 Reports: Exporting certain reports to Excel could cause columns to become misaligned if account names contained a comma.
Version Released: 08/24/10
 Data Upload: Added ability to delete an upload of stock locates.
 Data Upload: Advantage: Improvements to importing positions that have 0 as the closing price.
 Market Data: Audit/Instruments page now shows the source for each instrument.
 Market Data: Performance improvements searching instrument descriptions in the Audit/Instruments page.
 Data Upload, Market Data: The instrument source was not being correctly set on most uploads.
 Data Upload: Yahoo: Underlying symbol was not being correctly set for index options imported from Yahoo.
 Market Data: An incorrect expiration date was being set for some options that expire on days other than the third Friday.
 Market Data: In the Audit/Instruments page looking up by symbol could return no results even if the instrument exists (very rare).
Version Released: 08/19/10
 User Management: Incorrect values sometimes shown for custom fields in the User Overview page.
Version Released: 08/18/10
 Data Upload: Knight: Added preferred symbol normalization.
 Data Upload: Lightspeed: Added preferred symbol normalization.
Version Released: 08/17/10
 Data Upload: Sterling: Improvements to liquidity field handling.
 Post Processing: Sterling Positions: Do not send positions for non-Sterling accounts.
Version Released: 08/15/10
 Post Processing: Sterling Positions: Exporting positions from PropReports into Sterling.
 Trade Fees: Added ability to select symbol in fee rules.
 Adjustments, Trade Fees: When entering adjustments or plans and switching from account to account, the last selected category and dates will be remembered.
 Data Upload: Sterling: The "Native Liq" value will be used in lieu of "Liq" whenever available.
 Data Upload: Assent: Can now handle commas in the instrument description field.
Version Released: 08/11/10
 Trade Fees: Added ability to select the source of an execution in fee rules.
 Data Upload: PFG: Imported quantities need to be multiplied by 10,000.
Version Released: 08/11/10
 Data Upload: EODData: Added ability to import FX prices.
 Data Upload: PFG: Added ability to import trading activity.
 Data Upload: Penson Minibunch: Added support for the buy-to-cover intention (BC).
Version Released: 08/04/10
 Data Upload: EODData: Added ability to import index prices.
 Data Upload: Hydra: Improved error handling when processing trading activity.
Version Released: 08/01/10
 Data Upload: Apex: Added ability to import trading activity.
 Report: Detailed: Ending unrealized balance not being shown (regression).
Version Released: 07/26/10
 Data Upload: Sterling: Added ability to import fee amounts from the "Native Liq" field.
 Data Upload: Stricknet: Excluding test option symbols (ZVV).
Version Released: 07/26/10
 Fills: Add support for 2-character liquidity codes.
Version Released: 07/23/10
 Regression: Unrealized P&L incorrect in the Totals by Date report spanning several days.
Version Released: 07/22/10
 Data Upload: Penson GHCO: Added ability to import data from the new GMI files.
 Various improvements to the import process from Stricknet: excluding test option symbols and commas in the description field.
 Reports: Totals by Group: Fixed internal error displaying report when there is only one account in a group.
Version Released: 07/15/10
 User Management: Added ability to filter users list to show non-traders.
 Data Upload: Penson Minibunch: Added support for importing futures.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Added ability to import fee amounts whenever present in the "Liq" field.
Version Released: 07/12/10
 Post Processing: Added ability to use SFTP for post processor file delivery.
 User Management: Added notes, branch and company name to the exported to Excel users list.
 User Management: Performance improvements exporting users to Excel.
 General: Fixed an issue with certain malformed data breaking export to Excel.
Version Released: 07/10/10
 Reports: Added ability to configure which report columns are visible based on user type.
 User Management: Added salutation (Mr./Ms./etc) to the exported to Excel users list.
Version Released: 07/10/10
 Adjustments: When editing adjustment plans, the categories in the drop-down should be sorted alphabetically.
 Market Data: Unable to delete an instrument containing an apostrophe (').
Version Released: 07/04/10
 Adjustments: Added ability to reference the value of open positions in recurring adjustment formulas (to facilitate the computation of interest).
 Data Upload: Performance improvements in the upload process.
 Execution Search/Entry: Removed inaccurate net price display in the summary table.
Version Released: 07/04/10
 Market Data: Performance improvements fetching data from the Market Data Server.
 Corporate Actions: Certain options are incorrectly identified as expired prior to maturity.
Version Released: 07/01/10
 Market Data: Added ability to delete an instrument if there is no associated trading activity.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Changed underlying symbol from ^GSPC to ^SPX for S&P options.
 Market Data: Symbol search performance improvements.
 Data Upload: Stricknet: No longer import test symbols and closing prices less than 0.
Version Released: 06/29/10
 Market Data: Market Data Server closing price lookup performance improvements.
Version Released: 06/28/10
 Market Data: Added a centralized market data server.
 Data Upload: Stricknet: OSI options support, normalizing warrants and preferred symbols.
 Data Upload, Adjustments: If an uploaded adjustment is edited and then the upload is deleted, the edited adjustment should be removed.
Version Released: 06/28/10
 Reports: New report: Compliance: Marking the Close. This report is not enabled by default, please request to have it enabled.
 Trade Fees: Added support for blocks when entering fee rules.
 Data Upload: Incorrectly setting currency as USD for certain foreign currency instruments.
Version Released: 06/20/10
 Data Upload: Generic: Added support for importing trades. Information on the format can be found here.
 General: Fixed an error causing a red bar to sporadically appear at the top of the page.
Version Released: 06/18/10
 Data Upload: Knight: Fixed an error processing certain 2-character liquidity codes.
 Execution Search/Entry: Selecting an execution in after the login session expired caused a display error in the summary table.
Version Released: 06/13/10
 Data Upload: Penson: Improved detection and classification of cash settlement adjustments.
 Data Upload: Yahoo: Added support for looking up index closing prices.
 Corporate Actions: Options expiring on a business day not processed on the maturity date.
 Data Upload: Sterling: Incorrect underlying symbol set for S&P options.
Version Released: 06/11/10
 Data Upload: Yahoo: Fixed a rare issue causing an incorrect closing price to be fetched.
Version Released: 06/10/10
 Data Upload: Advantage: Improved classification of adjustments.
 Applications/Contracts: Fixed an an encoding issue causing some older contracts to display as blank.
 Data Upload: InstaQuote: Spurious option strategy symbols are no longer imported.
Version Released: 06/06/10
 Support slight file format change from Locatestock.
 Add support for importing trades from Northstar.
Version Released: 06/02/10
 Preferred symbols and class symbols imported from Knight are now converted to match PropReports naming convention.
 Warrant and Unit symbols imported from Lightspeed are now converted to match PropReports naming convention.
 When editing an instrument, correcting a symbol will now merge any closing prices.
 Account names in the report form's "Account:" dropdown can get cut off if they contain a comma or semicolon.
 Some reports when exported to Excel contain invalid characters.
Version Released: 06/01/10
 Add ability to export "Compliance: Wash Sale" report to Excel
 Add ability to collapse/expand high volume symbols in the "Compliance: Wash Sale" report.
 Change high-volume filter on the "Compliance: Wash Sale" report to just the most recent day's volume (was using 30 day average).
 "Summary by Date" report can have an incorrect ending Unrealized P/L if the report spans a weekend.
Version Released: 05/31/10
 "Detailed" report now shows actual gross/net profit/loss and not the value of the trade.
 Add running open position quantity to the "Detailed" report.
 Add various buy/sell breakdowns to the "Detailed" report.
 Clicking on a "Gross" value in the "Detailed" report provides an explanation of how the value was computed.
 Changed default number formats of exported Excel files to improve legibility.
 Preferred symbols and warrants imported from ETC, Lightspeed, JMX and Sterling are now converted to match PropReports naming convention.
 Incorrect exchange code being parsed from Instaquote.
Version Released: 05/24/10
 Add support for importing CAD adjustments from Advantage.
 Support for a format change in Laser files.
 Incorrect trade entry date being parsed from ETC.
Version Released: 05/16/10
 Added ability to search uploaded locates (Audit/Locates).
 New report: "Compliance: Wash Sales."
 Receiving a closing price of 0 in the Penson Extract position file was not correctly processed.
Version Released: 05/12/10
 Added support for importing TAF from Sterling if present in the file.
 Importing a trade with a blank commission or other fee fields from a Penson Minibunch file generates error.
 Regression: Unknown closing prices are not being displayed.
Version Released: 05/05/10
 Added ability to export Compliance: Short Sales report to Excel.
 Added ability to import locates.
 Added locate overages to the Compliance: Short Sales report.
Version Released: 04/25/10
 Added support for importing option expirations from Advantage.
Version Released: 04/23/10
 Added ability to correct a symbol.
 New Report: Compliance: Short Sales.
Version Released: 04/18/10
 Added ability to create rename rules for account display name by data source.
 Added ability to create rename rules for incoming symbols by data source.
 Added support for importing market data from EODData.
 Added support for importing trades from ETC for reconciliation.
 Added volume to closing prices (will be captured from sources that make this information available).
Version Released: 04/14/10
 Pagination not displayed when viewing upload history.
 Sporadic site layout display issues whenever updates to the layout are made (due to browser caching obsolete stylesheet files).
Version Released: 04/13/10
 Add ability to delete past uploads and search upload history.
 Confirmation is now a popup dialog rather than a separate page redirect.
 Improvements to the recocniliation process (reconciler was too lax when pruning discrepancies).
 Split action can result in fractional shares remaining due to rounding.
Version Released: 03/15/10
 Add user creation time and last login IP address to users Excel export.
 Added support for importing option trades from Wedbush.
 Initialize option expiration, type and strike price from OSI symbol data.
 Support changes changes to Locatestock file format.
Bringing up closing prices very slow for large lists.
 Error parsing data from JMX for certain destinations.
Version Released: 03/06/10
 Add ability to import executions from the GHCO statement.
 Added ability to export accounts list to Excel.
 The users list can now be searched by phone number.
 "Group Open Positions" report now includes a "Date Opened" column.
 Add support for OSI changes in the minibunch format.
 Symbology: underlying symbols for index options imported from Sterling will now start with a ^.
Version Released: 03/06/10
 Adjustments audit page did not display correct search results on subsequent pages if a search query was specified.
 Imported futures trades from Penson EXT010 file could have an incorrect intention set.
 Option strategy descriptions items were being incorrectly imported as separate executions from Knight.
 Trades imported from Selero had incorrect timestamps (UTC).
Version Released: 02/24/10
 Added ability to import trades from JMX Capital.
 Support importing and displaying option symbols according to the OSI for the majority of data sources.
 Daytrade Performance report export to Excel duplicates average losses column.
 Performance issue generating Totals by Account report.
Version Released: 02/08/10
 Exporting reports into older versions of Excel as well as Open Office is now supported.
Version Released: 02/02/10
 Added support for importing positions from Wedbush.
 Added support for importing trades from Selero.
 Editing a closing price marked as a guess and setting it to the same value as the guess does not flag closing price as no longer a guess.
 Fixed encoding/display issue when symbol descriptions contain caracters with accents.
 Instaquote import process now correctly detects OTCBB exchange codes.
Version Released: 01/24/10
 Added an option to format payout columns as a quantity.
 Added an option to show payout column to all users or all managers.
 Added support for importing trading activity from Wedbush.
 Announcement notice can now be displayed to just traders or traders in a particular group.
 Minor display bug: Fixed spacing between recurring fee plan names in accounts list.
Version Released: 01/08/10
 Added support for importing trading activity from Direct Access Software.
 Added support for importing CAD trades from Advantage.
Version 1.5.89 Released: 11/16/09
 Export individual account positions in addition to the symbol total lines when exporting "Group Open Positions" report to Excel.
Version 1.5.88 Released: 11/15/09
 Added Unrealized δ from closed positions in the "Open Positions," "Group Open Positions," "Open Positions Summary," and "Group Open Positions Summary" reports. This will make the Total Unrealized δ value consistent with all other reports.
 In the "Group Open Positions" report, a summary position will be displayed if the same symbol is held in more than one account.
 In the "Open Positions" and "Group Open Positions" days without activity will no longer be displayed.
 An incorrect closing price can be used to value a position in some cases where more than two closing prices stored for a symbol/date.
 Viewing a "Detailed," "Summary by Date," "Totals by Date," or "Totals by Symbol" spanning a weekend would display 0 for Unrealized P/L causing swings in the Unrealized δ values.
Version 1.5.87 Released: 11/08/09
 Export last login time when exporting the users list to Excel.
 Improved support for processing cancel trades from Assent.
Version Released: 11/07/09
 Select all checkbox in the Audit/Executions list not working in IE7.
Version Released: 11/03/09
 Store closing prices received from every source and use the one with highest "authority" when pricing securities.
 Support correctly converting options symbols received from Blackwood.
 Support importing negative adjustment amounts in the format (123) or $(123) from the generic csv upload.
Version Released: 10/29/09
 Added ability to specify a custom category name in generic adjustments upload.
Version Released: 10/28/09
 When selecting fills in the Audit/Executions list, a summary of selected trades will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Version Released: 10/27/09
 Added ability to delete recurring adjustment plans.
 Export Affiliate (if available) when exporting the users list to Excel.
 Support import executions without a timestamp from Assent.
Version Released: 10/26/09
 Support importing data from Mantara.
 When entering adjustments, both '$100' and '100' should be accepted as valid inputs.
Version Released: 10/25/09
 Support importing data from Knight.
Version Released: 10/25/09
 Detailed report may incorrectly put transfer adjustment amounts under fees when grouped adjustments are viewed by a trader.
Version Released: 10/22/09
 Added ability to update rules used in renaming uploaded accounts.
 New instrument types added: bonds and mutual funds.
Version Released: 10/14/09
 Split up volume by instrument type in the "Top/Bottom Ten" report and improve report layout.
 Searching for multiple symbols in the execution search will not work if there is a space before or after the comma separating the symbols.
Version Released: 10/12/09
 Added ability to set a start date for viewing reports (cutoff) for a specific user.
Version Released: 10/12/09
 Added ability to override the list of reports that are available to a specific user.
 Internal errors when viewing/editing resources page.
Version Released: 10/09/09
 Added ability to post an option assignment or exercise.
 Price formatting issue - thousands separator not displaying under some circumstances.
Version Released: 10/09/09
 Added support for importing executions from Hold Brothers.
 Added support for importing options trades from Assent.
Version Released: 10/07/09
 Added ability to select a range of executions in the "Executions Audit" page by shift-clicking (works like GMail message selection).
 Added support for importing journal entries (JE) files from Assent.
 Regression: "Adjustments Audit" page coming up blank.
 Regression: Exporting "Totals by Symbol" report to Excel fails if the report contains adjustments.
Version Released: 10/06/09
 Added ability to post a merger acquisition action.
 Support importing options trades with a malformed timestamp from Penson Online export.
Version Released: 10/05/09
 New tab 'Corporate Actions' eadded under the Audit menu. Added ability to post a symbol name change, split, buyout, and process option expirations.
 Hitting refresh on the Account Overview page after editing the Clearing Id (where available) will reset the Clearing Id.
Version Released: 10/02/09
 Support importing options trades from Lightspeed.
Version Released: 10/01/09
 Support changes in preferred symbol notation in files from Blackwood.
 Symbol descriptions can sometimes not appear in the symbols list.
Version Released: 09/30/09
 Support changes to LocateStock file format.
Version Released: 09/29/09
 Added title (Mr./Ms.) to user information.
 Simplified user ids by allowing only one id per user.
Version Released: 09/24/09
 Add support for alternate executions file format (EXB) from Assent.
 Add support for importing adjustments, positions and cancels from Assent.
Version Released: 09/21/09
 If a trader requests a contract when there was already an outstanding request, the new request will get bumped to the top of the Pending Contracts list.
 Contract e-mails using non-english characters were not being correctly encoded resulting in gibberish when viewed in some e-mail clients (such as Outlook Express).
 Signature section may be cut off when viewing some signed contracts.
Version Released: 09/15/09
 Contract signature appearance on a signed contract is now customizable.
 Duplicate e-mail addresses can end up in the system when a person signs a contract.
 Incomplete mandatory fields on a contract signature form are now indicated in red when form is submitted.
Version Released: 09/09/09
 "Summary by Date" report changes — split adjustment column into fees and transfers and added daily cash balance.
 Added ability to import adjustments from LocateStock.
 Symbol description/company name has been added in the "Audit/Executions" and "Audit/Positions" pages (as a tooltip over the ticker symbol).
 Added support for changes in Penson's EXT758 file.
 Added support for extended file format from Laser.
 Export Tax Id (when available) when exporting the users list to Excel.
 Instaquote import process will no longer import non-clearable trades marked "Away".
 Resource pages can now contain HTML iframe tags (useful for embedding other pages).
 The limit on the number of executions in the "Audit/Executions" list that can be exported to Excel has been raised from 10,000 to 50,000.
 Blank values for fees in Graybox data were causing trades not to be imported.
 Creating a new contract template resulted in a crash.
 In the "Summary by Date" report, the total "Unrealized Δ" value was incorrect.
 When viewing a contract template, incorrect branch may be selected in the branch dropdown.
Version Released: 07/09/09
 Assent parser will now put the fee in the exchfee column into the TAF fee.
 Generic adjustments upload modified to handle trailing commas at the end of the line.
 Increased size of the BCC and Subject fields in the contract e-mail form.
 Internal error displaying adjustments report.
 Multi-line error messages not displaying properly.
Version Released: 07/06/09
 Display report headers even if there is no data in the report.
 Tooltips not displaying correctly in Chrome; improved display of multi-line tooltips.
Version Released: 07/06/09
 Futures, options, F/X and equity quantity totals are now segregated on most reports.
 Support importing data from Assent.
 Additional columns when exporting fills: account name, contra, liquidity flag and order id.
 All trading reports now show the number of orders (tickets) in addition to the number of executions (fills).
 Fees imported in the TransFee column in the Penson upload file will be placed into the SEC fee category (was Misc).
 Improvements to parsing preferred and options symbol names from the Penson upload file.
 Support for various changes in the Xasax file format.
 Totals by Account, Totals by Group report will show header columns at the bottom of the report if more than 50 rows are displayed.
 Values exported to Excel are no longer rounded.
 When viewing a detailed report as a superuser, adjustments will be shown ungrouped.
 Graybox import process will no longer import the BaseCharge column as it was redundant.
 Phone numbers are no longer mandatory on the contract signature page.
Version Released: 06/11/09
 Add ability to specify an offset account when entering an adjustment.
 Exclude $0 adjustments from generic adjustments upload.
 If there are no groups defined in PropReports, do not show empty Top Groups by Volume and Top Groups by Net P&L tables.
 Improved identifying upload files from Laser.
 Significant performance improvements running fees by destination reports.
 Size of the uses export file has been reduced.
 Support alternate NASDAQ file format from Xasax.
 Support new header for Hydra trade files.
 Filling out a new trader application can cause a crash.
 Large quantity amounts may get formatted in exponential notation '1.2E+6' instead of 1,200,000.
 Penson minibunch parser incorrectly flags some trades as short/cover.
 Phone numbers not formatted correctly in a number of client lists.
Version Released: 06/02/09
 Contract e-mail should use subject from the e-mail template.
Version Released: 06/02/09
 Add ability to use a different e-mail template for every contract template.
Version Released: 05/30/09
 New plans are now "Per Order" by default.
 When viewing account adjustments, the "By" column will now display "Recurring Plan" if a fee is posted by a plan or the name of the upload source if an adjustment was imported.
Version Released: 05/21/09
 Improve loading performance of the account editing page when there are many accounts in the system.
 Show all groups an account belongs to in when editing an account.
 When editing an account's plan, the category and plan name should remain selected after the form is submitted.
 When editing an account, the account name can appear twice in the accounts dropdown interfering with previous/next navigation.
Version Released: 05/20/09
 Support improting data from ITG Matrix.
 Internal error generating fees by destination report.
 Not all warnings are displayed when sending upload confirmation e-mails.
Version Released: 05/16/09
 Add a link to the Edit Account Adjustments page from the Audit Adjustments page for each accounts.
 Display source (original) account name on accounts list.
 Fills with no timestamp are not being processed when importing from Penson Online.
 When moving or copying executions, the last target account should remain selected in the dropdown after the form is submitted.
Version Released: 05/15/09
 Support additional format changes in files received from Penson (positions and adjustments alternate date format).
 Regression issue with computing overnight positions.
Version Released: 05/14/09
 Added ability to rename the commissions field.
 Added support for alternate (combined) file format from XASAX.
Version Released: 05/13/09
 Added ability to import buying power from Penson's EXT448 file.
 Added ability to import trading activity from a FIX 4.2 log file.
 Added configuration option to set account name as clearing name for specific data sources.
 Buy-to-cover intention support — will be indicated with code 'C' in reports.
 Added ability to decode and import data files encoded with UFT-16 (BE/LE).
 Support for changes in Lightspeed file format.
 Support for importing EXT757, 758 and 759 files with alternate formatting.
 Tag sell trade in a type 3 account as "Short" and buy trades in type 3 account as "Buy To Cover" when importing from a Penson Minibunch file.
 E-mail library code not handing 0-byte attachments correctly.
 InstaQuote parser not correctly importin option exercises.
 Internal error while editing markups.
 Internal error while sending affiliate code information JavaScript.
 Adjustments: Regression: Some deleted adjustments may have been incorrectly reinstated.

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