Integration Requirements

Integration Requirements

We are happy to integrate with any provider/clearing firm we do not currently support. The data is typically sent to PropReports daily via email(s) or made available through an FTP drop site (preferred). The file format should ideally be either CSV or column-delimited. The following information can be imported into our system:

Executions (see sample format)

  • Minimum information on each fill: Account Id, Fill Date, Type of Trade (Buy or Cover, Sell or Short), Symbol, Quantity, and Price.
  • To support options, it should be easy to discover whether the instrument is a Put or Call, the maturity date, and the underlying security and contract size.
  • To support futures, the multiplier / contract size must be known.
  • If foreign currency instruments are traded, the currency and exchange rate must be transmitted.
  • Optional Information: Trader Id, Order Id, Fill Id, Fill Time, Route, Executing Broker, Contra, Commission, Liquidity Flags, and any additional fees.

Positions for reconciliation

  • Minimum information on each position: Account Id, Position Date, Symbol, Open Quantity, and Long or Short.
  • Optional information: Realized Profit / Loss, Unrealized Profit / Loss, and Closing Price.
  • A procedure needs to be in place for us to find out about trade breaks and away trades (this can be a manual notification if relatively infrequent).

Cash movements / adjustments (see sample format)

  • Minimum information required is: Adjustment Date, Account Id, Amount of Adjustment
  • To help classify transactions, a category would be helpful (e.g. transfer or fee)
  • A comment or trailer for each transaction can be displayed as well

Locates (see sample format)

  • Minimum information required: Account Id, Trade Date, Symbol, Quantity