Sample Recurring Adjustment Plans

Below are examples of recurring adjustment plans. Please e-mail PropReports customer support at if your firm requires a specific plan that is not listed here.

Sample Recurring Adjustment Plans



$100 if traded during the month

$totalShares > 0 ? -100 : 0

Debit 20% of net profit (after fees), ignoring open positions and using the Deposit category as the watermark level.

$netAfterFees = $netProfitLoss - $monthlyFees;
if($netAfterFees <= 0 || $equity - $totalsByCategory['Deposit'] <= 0) {
    return 0;
$profitAboveWatermark = min($netAfterFees, $equity - $totalsByCategory['Deposit']);
return $profitAboveWatermark * .20;

2.1% interest on the cost value of open positions (long and short) rounded to 2 decimal places.

$totalCost = ($latestLongPositionValue - $longUnrealizedProfitLoss) + ($latestShortPositionValue + $shortUnrealizedProfitLoss);
return $totalCost > 0 ? bcround(bcmul($totalCost, '-0.0000575'), 2) : 0;

$50 Inactivity Fee after 90 days of inactivity (note that it does not charge a fee on an account that has NEVER traded):

$daysOfInactivity = $mostRecentTradeDate ? dateDiff($mostRecentTradeDate, $date) : 0;
return $daysOfInactivity && $daysOfInactivity % 90 == 0 ? -50 : 0;

$50 Inactivity Fee after 45 days from Activate date :

$daysOfInactivity = $mostRecentTradeDate ? dateDiff($activationDate, $date) : 0;
return $daysOfInactivity && $daysOfInactivity % 45 == 0 ? -50 : 0;