Set a Recurring Fee

Recurring fees are indirect trading costs that you would like deducted from a trader's final profit/loss balance. For example, if you would like data charges, dividends or interest abated from a traders account. Once a recurring fee is attached to an account, it will appear under the Adjusted Net column in the Totals by Account and Totals by Group reports.

Setting a Recurring Fee

Step 1: Navigate to the Accounts page.

Step 2: Select the desired account.

Step 3: Navigate to the Accounts / Recurring Fees page or click the Recurring Fees link towards the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Select the Category and Plan you wish to use, as well as the start and end date and click the Submit button. If no end date is specified, the recurring fee will be in effect indefinitely or until another plan is assigned from the same category.

Use the Offset feature if you would like to have the accounts fee/credit applied to another account (e.g. if you would like a software or administration fee deducted from a trader's account and credited to your firms master account).

(warning) Note: Only SuperUsers have the permission to set a recurring fee to an account.

Related Topics / How To

Create a recurring fee
Delete a recurring fee from an account
Mass assign a recurring fee