Finding a Position

Finding a Position

To find which accounts traded a particular security or held a position overnight, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to the Audit / Positions page.

Step 2: Fill out some or all of the search form and click Find.  

Text Fields such as Symbol and Route
""Empty value
PHLX,""PHLX or empty 
+DELL%Values that begin with +DELL
EDG_ 4-character values that start with EDG
"123,456"The value 123,456
"DEST%"The value DEST%
Numeric Fields such as Quantity and Price
>1000 Greater than 1000
>=1000Greater than or equal to 1000
!=1000Not equal to 1000
1000-2000Between 1000 and 2000

Not between 1000 and 2000       

1000,1500,20001000, 1500 or 2000
!=1000,2000Not 1000 or 2000

Columns and Their Meanings

Open QtyThe number of shares or contracts taken overnight. A positive value indicates a long position, negative is short. If the field is empty it means the security traded that day or had journal activity but nothing was kept overnight.
AvgAverage price of the position.  (tick) Tip: Clicking on the average price will display the cost basis lots for the position.

Closing or settlement price for the position. If the price is in italics it indicates that it may be stale.

Qty TradedThe number of shares or contracts of the security that was traded in that account on that day.