Field Name | Mandatory? | Format | Sample Value | Description |
Date | Yes | MM/DD/YYYY | 06/17/2010 | Date of the quote (you can upload quotes for multiple days in one file). |
Symbol | Yes | CHAR(48) | IBM | Ticker symbol of the instrument being quoted. Please follow the PropReports symbol naming convention. If specifying a spot rate, use F/X symbols (e.g. @CADUSD) |
Price | Yes | DECIMAL(18,8) | 1.234 | Closing /settlement price of the security. |
Volume | No | CHAR(10) | 55710000 | Name of the route, ECN or exchangeShares or contracts traded that day. |
Currency | No | CHAR(3) | USD | Three-character ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the security is traded. If unspecified, PropReports will default to USD. |
Multiplier | No | DECIMAL(15,4) | 1 | The multiplier (sometimes called "contract size" for options and "value multiplier" for futures) to use when computing profit and loss. If the value is empty or column is omitted, PropReports will default to 1 for equities and futures, and 100 for options. Version and greater. |
Description | No | CHAR(256) | Yahoo! Inc. | Company name or contract description. If a description contains a comma, please remember to enclose the field in quotes (e.g. "Google, Inc."). This value is ignored for options. |
Enabling the Upload
Note |
Before uploading for the first time, you must to make sure the Generic data source is enabled |