Name | Description | Example |
afterHours | Execution occurred on or after 4pm EST | afterHours=true |
contra | MPID / identifier of the counterparty. | contra=PFSI |
currccy | An ISO 4217 (3-character) currency of the trade. (v1.5.9297.26 13 or greater) | currccy=EUR |
exch | Listing exchange for the security being traded (see list of exchange codes). | exch=NYQ |
execBroker | MPID / identifier of the executing broker. | execBroker=PFSI |
internalLiq | Indicates the actual liquidity flag when an order is routed via an order desk or another intermediary (when available). Note: This value is case-sensitive. | internalLiq=A |
internalRoute | Indicates the actual destination when an order is routed via an order desk or another intermediary (when available). | internalRoute=EDGA |
liq | Liquidity flag (see flags for various destinations). Note: This value is case-sensitive. | liq=A |
lot | Considers quantity of trade: (ODD = if quantity < 100 on an execution) | lot=odd |
mult | The multiplier (sometimes called "contract size" for options and "value multiplier" for futures) associated with the traded instrument and used when computing profit and loss (v1. or greater) | mult=100 |
penny | Set to true if trade is sub-dollar | penny=true |
price | Execution price. | price>2 |
qty | Quantity of the execution. (v1.5.92.18 or greater) | qty=100 |
route | Exchange, Route or ECN. Different platforms send can send different values for the same venue (e.g. Sterling: NSDQ vs Laser: ISLD). Furthermore, some platforms can indicate multiple values for the same destination (e.g. Sterling: ARCA, ARCA= to mean ARCA). | route=ARCA |
side | Buy or sell | side=buy |
source | Where PropReports received the trade from (see list of source ids). | source=1 |
subType | For equities, this will be either etf or blank | subType=etf |
symbol | Ticker symbol of the security being traded | symbol=IBM |
tape | Trade reporting facility indicator (e.g. A, B, or C). See Tape Designations. | tape=A |
type | Type of instrument being traded (equity, option, future, index, fund, fx, bond) | type=option |
underlyingSymbol | For options, the ticker symbol of the underlying security or index. | underlyingSymbol=YHOO |
underlyingType | For options, the type of the underlying security (equity, future, index) | underlyingType=index |
underlyingSubType | For options, the sub type of the underlying equity (etf or blank) | underlyingSubType=etf |