To find any trade or trades imported into PropReports:
Panel |
- Click on 'Audit' / 'Executions'
- You can now find any fill or fills using the search form.
Image Removed
Step 1: Navigate to "Audit / Executions"
Image Added
Step 2: Use the search form to find what you are looking for.
Section |
Column |
| Symbol, Route, Exec Bkr, Contra, Liquidity and Order Id fields - Empty Value
"" - Multiple Values
IBM,DELL,YHOO PHLX,"" - Wildcards
+DELL% (all values that start with +DELL ). EDG_ (all 4-character values that start with EDG ) - Special characters in value:
"123,456" (the value 123,456 ). "DEST%" (the value DEST% ).
Column |
| Quantity and Price fields - Relative Values
>100 value greater than 100 >=100 value greater than or equal to 100 <100 value less than 100 <=100 value less than or equal to 100 - Not Equals
!=100 value not equal to 100 - Ranges (as of v1.5.92.42)
100-200 all values between 100 and 200 !=100-200 all values not between 100 and 200 - Multiple Values (as of v1.5.92.42)